When you plan your vacation, Birdwatching in Hawaii might not stand out, though it's a fun, free activity!
Kanaha Pond Wildlife Sanctuary is a great first stop because it’s teeming with birds and other wildlife. It's also close to Maui’s airport so that if you just can’t wait, you can swing by there on your way to the hotel! You'll be birdwatching in Hawaii before you know it.

Hawaiian Coot
Today, Kanaha Pond Wildlife Sanctuary is home to 3 species of endangered birds here in Hawaii. There's the Hawaiian black-necked stilt, which is tall with distinctly pink legs. Another fan favorite is the koloa duck, which is brown in color. The Hawaiian coot, recognizable by its white bill, also frequents the area. But those are not the only birds that like to stop and have a “spa day” here – 90 species of birds stop by!

Koloa Duck
In 1951, the area was designated as a wildlife sanctuary. In 1971, it officially became a national landmark. When you visit the 143-acre wildlife sanctuary, you will undoubtedly be struck by the beauty of the location. It's not far from the ocean and with the sight of Haleakala Volcano and the West Maui Mountains looming at the horizon. Bring your binoculars to take in all the beauty and do some birdwatching in Hawaii.
Photo Credit: Forest & Kim Starr
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